| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

© Francesca Mantovani / Editions Gallimard

Hervé Le Tellier

The name on the wall

By reconstructing the dazzling life of a Resistance fighter who died in 1944, Hervé Le Tellier, winner of the Prix Goncourt 2020, becomes an everyday historian, reviving the poignant destiny of a hero who touched him. With this moving book, he also signs one of his œhis most personal works.

In the Drôme, five kilometers from Dieulefit, a "village of the just" and a hotbed of gentle resistance, André Chaix (1924 - 1944) is just one of the names on the Montjoux war memorial. The name is also engraved on the wall of the house the author is restoring. Who was this FFI Resistance fighter born just over a century ago and disappeared at the age of 20? A cardboard box in which the family kept a few "precious and tiny traces", "the dust of his life", will enable Hervé Le Tellier to reconstruct his story and understand his commitment. In this captivating tale, in which nothing is invented, the writer abandons his usual Oulipian constraints to advance by fragments and associations, before adopting his hero: "... halfway between the image of a father and the reality of a son".

Saturday, April 12, 2025
Full price 5 €
Subscriber rate Free

By reservation

All ages | Duration: 1h15

Reservations on site, at the Franciscaines reception desk, and online.

> Find out more


Hosted by Philippe Normand, followed by a book signing.

samedi 29 mars 2025

Today's programme:

10h30 > 12h30 | 14h > 17h
FabLab | Tout public
entrée libre
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
11h > 11h45
Médiation | Little
> Book
16h > 17h
Visite | Exposition temporaire
> Book
14h30 > 15h30
Visite | Exposition temporaire
> Book
16h30 (samedi) et 11h30 (dimanche)
Visite | Tout public
> Book
> see the full calendar