| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Augustin Pyramus de Candolle, Organographie végétale des plantes (détail), 1837, Paris, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN), bibliothèque de botanique © Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle.

You are a tree!

From fascination to representation


A new exhibition with the exceptional support of the Musée d'Orsay that highlights the fascination generated by the tree, through the eyes of artists and scientists.

Installations, paintings, photographs, sculptures, drawings, rare manuscripts, botanical plates... No less than 80 pieces are on display in five stages. From the Middle Ages to today, the emphasis will be on modern and contemporary art: Pierre Bonnard, Henri Matisse, Carl André, Fabrice Hyber, Eva Jospin, Sebastião Salgado, Xavier Veilhan,...

Works of a disturbing and captivating strength and beauty, to get closer to the truth of the tree, to decipher it and better understand its relationship to man.

Saturday 12 March to Sunday 05 June 2022
Full price 10€
Reduced rate 8€
Solidarity rate 3€



Reservation on site or online. 

To know more about it




Masterpieces of the exhibition

There are billions of trees on earth. They are said to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. They surround us, protect us. We love them, we venerate them. These vegetal beings that soar, vertical, towards the sky and that hold on to the earth, look like us. There is man in the tree, as there is tree in man.


Curator of the exhibition :

Thierry Grillet


Scientific committee :

Alain Baraton, head gardener of Trianon and the Grand Parc de Versailles, journalist on France Inter and author of Dictionnaire des amoureux des arbres (Plon, 2021)
Sébastien Gokalp, head curator of heritage, director of the National Museum of the History of Immigration - Palais de la porte dorée
Laurent Tillon, head of biodiversity at the Office national des forêts (ONF), author of Être un chêne (Actes Sud, 2021)


With the exceptional support of the Musée d'Orsay

Logo Musée d'Orsay




Les partenaires et mécènes

Les partenaires presse

samedi 27 juillet 2024

Today's programme:

FabLab | Adulte
entrée libre
10h30 > 17h15
Exposition | Expérience immersive
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10H30 > 12H30
FabLab | Adulte
> Book
11h > 11h45
Médiation | Little
> Book
11h > 12h30
Rencontre | Tout public
> Book
14h30 > 15h30
Visite | Exposition temporaire
> Book
14H30 > 16H30
FabLab | Teen
> Book
16h30 (samedi) et 11h30 (dimanche)
Visite | Tout public
> Book
> see the full calendar