| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Échanges Réciproques de Savoirs

Reciprocal Knowledge Exchange

A moment of meeting and exchange on a theme between curious and initiated people.

The Knowledge Exchange ( KE) is dedicated to the exchange of processes and tips on a theme between beginners, curious and initiated. The ERS is made to gather the users of the Fablab around the questions of Making.

Every other Sunday, between 11am and 1pm.

Every other Sunday
11am > 1pm


By reservation at fabmanager@lesfranciscaines.fr

Workshop for 10 people.


Resource and documentation platforms

Sunday, May 21

A knowledge exchange around resource platforms for manufacturing.

Digital Fabrication

Sunday, June 4th

A knowledge exchange on the topic of digital fabrication.

The FabLab and games

Sunday, July 2nd

A knowledge exchange on the subject of games and digital fabrication.

vendredi 24 janvier 2025
Aucun événement