European Night of Museums
The Night of the Museums offers the pleasure of (re)discovering the collections and the current exhibitions in a different way and with free access.
On this occasion and in connection with the exhibition devoted to Irving Penn, choreographer Noé Soulier and his dancers have been invited to imagine a performance on the scale of the Franciscans as an echo of the San Francisco ballet dancers immortalized by the great American photographer.
Video projection
10:30 am > 11:30 pm - the chapel - duration 17min continuous
Fragments explores movement when it is confronted with the camera frame. The film is a continuation of the research on movement developed by the choreographer since 2010.
Director and choreographer: Noé Soulier
Performers: Stéphanie Amurao, Lucas Bassereau, Meleat Fredriksson, Yumiko Funaya, Nangaline Gomis, Nans Pierson
Image and sound : Cristian Manzutto
Assistant: Laetitia Striffling
Costumes: Chiara Valle Vallomini
Post-production: Firm Studio
Editing: Camille Guyot
Calibration: Nicolas Gautier
Mixing : Capitaine Plouf - Sébastien Cannas
Danced performance
7:30 pm > 10:00 pm - itinerant in the Franciscan church - 20min session in DIScontinuous
Passages, a piece conceived for heritage sites, explores the relationship between the movement of bodies and the spaces in which they evolve. In the silence, the choreographic score unfolds in six fragments from a vocabulary of shared movements. Running forward or backward, sliding, carpés jumps, voltes, supports on the ground on the hands or on the back: the dancers combine and repeat in an almost mathematical operation a dozen movements in a game of appearances and disappearances. This physical and dynamic piece for fragmentary bodies and monumental architecture reveals itself to be contaminating in its energy.
Conception and choreography: Noé Soulier
Dancers : Julie Charbonnier, Adriano Colletta, Meleat Fredriksson, Yumiko Funaya, Nangaline Gomis, Nans Pierson
Production : Céline Chouffot
Production : Cndc - Angers
Coproduction : Monuments en mouvement - Centre des Monuments Nationaux ; Atelier de Paris - CDCN
With the support of the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d'Ile-de-France - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Cinémix - Dj Oof
Dj set and video projection
10:30 pm > midnight - LE CLOître - duration 1h30
DJ Oof's Cinémix mixes musical moments from films, video-clips, concerts and DJ Oof's productions on various themes. On the occasion of the exhibition, the 1960s and 1970s will be in the spotlight for a journey through the aesthetics, furniture, fashion and society of the time. It will go from great French films to animated films and pop-star concerts. Sometimes to watch, sometimes to dance or both!