Celebrate your children's birthdays

Looking for an original and fun way to celebrate your child's birthday? Come celebrate it at les Franciscaines! We offer, among a choice of 7 themes, adapted to children from 6 to 12 years old, animated activities, a visit of the premises and a festive time lasting 3 hours to have fun, learn and enjoy a snack in the company of our animator. We provide the invitation cards according to the theme of the party.
Mission Creation!
During one afternoon, your child and his friends will transform themselves into visual artists or filmmakers. Together, they will learn how to be truly creative while having fun.
The Franciscan mediation team invites you to choose among these activities :
- Collective fresco (6-12 years old): with different techniques such as painting or collage, children create an imaginary world together.
- Make your own horse (6-12 years): each child assembles his or her racehorse, which moves forward thanks to a rubber band motor.
- Green background (8-12 years old): after drawing an imaginary place, each child is embedded in his own drawing.
- Apprentice director (8-12 years old): using a video editing table, create with your friends a short film based on the works of les Franciscaines and fantastic characters from famous books.
Informations pratiques
Durée : 2h30 de 14h30 à 17h00 les mercredis et samedis. |
Réservation obligatoire 3 semaines avant la date souhaitée (formulaire ci-dessous).
Les équipes des Franciscaines sont à votre écoute
Nous joindre :
Les Franciscaines, 145 B avenue de la République, 14800 Deauville
Tél : 02 61 52 29 20
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