| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

André HAMBOURG, Le petit-déjeuner à Luc-sur-Mer (détail), 1956, Donation Nicole et André Hambourg, Ville de Deauville, Les Franciscaines © ADAGP, Paris, 2025

Children, young & old

André Hambourg


From the streets of the Kasbah in Algiers to the beaches of Normandy and the markets of Côte d'Ivoire, children feature prominently in Hambourg's paintings and drawings. By turns curious, mischievous or shy, these children are always sympathetically portrayed by the painter's brush.

A few portraits, but above all, children sketched on the spot, just as Hamburg likes to surprise his subjects. Playing or learning, at the table, alone or accompanied, let's rediscover the world of childhood through the sensitive eye of a profoundly humanist painter.

Curator: Annie Madet-Vache, Director of the Musée des Franciscaines

January 25 to June 29, 2025
10:30 a.m. > 6:30 p.m.
Full price 13 €
Subscriber price 8 €
Student - 26 years and solidarity rate 5 €

Free for children under 16

Ticket valid for 1 day. Gives access to the two exhibitions "André Hambourg, Enfants, petits & grands" and "Julie Manet & ses cousines, la liberté de créer au féminin".

Reservations on site, online and at the Franciscaines reception desk.

Tickets for Friendciscaines subscribers, students, solidarity members (on minimum social benefits, France Travail, disability card holders) and young people under 16 are only available from reception on presentation of a valid receipt.

Last admission to the exhibition at 5:30pm.


Partenaires de l'exposition

Partenaires institutionnels

Les mécènes batisseurs

mercredi 26 mars 2025

Today's programme:

10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
> see the full calendar