
| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Deauville Literary Festival

Livres & Musiques 2024: discover the 21st edition of Deauville's literary festival

Graphic design © Charles Berberian

"Like great music that can be listened to over and over again. Great novels, too, are made for repeated reading." Milan Kundera

In 2024, the Livres & Musiques festival celebrates its 20th anniversary, dedicating its 21st edition to Françoise Sagan, who died the year the literary festival was created.

For three days at Les Franciscaines, from Friday May 3 to Sunday May 5, get ready to fill up on captivating literary discoveries and lively, freely accessible musical discoveries. Whether you're a lover of literature, a passionate music lover or both, this festival is waiting for you!

See you in early May to immerse yourself in the music of words and the words of music...

To find out more about the festival program, visit : or consult the brochure directly online: Brochure Livres & Musiques 2024

dimanche 08 septembre 2024

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