
| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Books & Music Festival

Discover the brochure of the 20th edition of the Books & Music Festival!

Illustration © Charles Berberian

The brochure of the XXth edition of the Books & Music Festival is available online!

You can discover the whole program as well as the course of the days from Friday, May 5 to Sunday, May 7, 2023 by consulting our online brochure.

Meetings, shows, literary concerts, workshops for young people,... Get ready for a festival full of events and rich in emotions!

Books & Music 2023 brochure

samedi 27 juillet 2024

Today's programme:

FabLab | Adulte
entrée libre
10h30 > 17h15
Exposition | Expérience immersive
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
> Book
10H30 > 12H30
FabLab | Adulte
> Book
11h > 11h45
Médiation | Little
> Book
11h > 12h30
Rencontre | Tout public
> Book
14h30 > 15h30
Visite | Exposition temporaire
> Book
14H30 > 16H30
FabLab | Teen
> Book
16h30 (samedi) et 11h30 (dimanche)
Visite | Tout public
> Book
> see the full calendar