
| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Planches Contact Photography Festival

D -1 month before the start of the Planches Contact festival!

Elina Brotherus

Discover the poster for the 14th edition, designed by Elina Brotherus.

If you're in Deauville, whether you live here or are just passing through, you may have seen the first installations being set up. The town will gradually be adorned with new images, like so many artistic views of its territory...

So keep an eye out, be curious... and make a date!

Affiche de la 14e édition du festival Planches Contact

From October 21, 2023 to January 7, 2024
Opening days October 27 > 29

lundi 16 septembre 2024

Today's programme:

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