
| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Books & Music Award 2023

Pre-selection of the XXth edition
Pre-selection for the 2023 Book & Music Prize

Two literary prizes are awarded during the Deauville Books & Music Festival: the Teenagers' Prize and the Books & Music / Deauville Prize.

Meeting on Tuesday, January 10, under the chairmanship of Jérôme Garcin, the jury of the Book and Music Prize / Deauville 2023 has preselected six books, inspired by music:

One of these books will receive the Livres & Musiques / Deauville 2023 Prize on Saturday, May 6, at the Franciscaines, during the XXth Livres & Musiques de Deauville Festival.

The selected books can be borrowed at the Franciscaines media library

dimanche 23 février 2025

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