
| Open from tuesday to sunday - 10.30 am to 6.30 pm |

Immersive experience

New in Normandy: the immersive Last Minute experience by Adrien M & Claire B.

Last minute, Adrien M & Claire B

Be drop, burn fire, spin smoke... Experience the immersive "Dernière Minute" by Claire B and Adrien M. presented at Les Franciscaines from July 13! A first for Normandy!

This sensory experience lies at the crossroads of live performance and installation: a veritable dreamlike journey.

"True algorithmic magic, infused with gentleness and kindness"

For 30 minutes, in a space bathed in video and music composed by Olivier Mellano, this installation offers you a unique interlude to experience together the symbolic shift between a before and an after, a metamorphosis at the level of matter, at the level of a particle...

To be discovered this summer, from July 13 to August 20....

To book your session, click here : Last minute, Adrien M & Claire B

jeudi 19 septembre 2024

Today's programme:

10h30 > 12h30 | 14h > 17h
FabLab | Adulte
entrée libre
10h30 > 17h15
Exposition | Expérience immersive
> Book
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
entrée libre
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
entrée libre
10h30 > 18h30
Exposition | Exposition temporaire
entrée libre
> see the full calendar